Thursday, July 16, 2009


As I stated I was into everything..I entered into a very extensive wedding planning internship, all while planning a major event of my own, as I said I wanted and needed to be busy and I guess my body was in shock or something. I would still have painful cycle's but overall I was okay. I had pretty much gotten through the wedding season as we were winding down, my event had gone off without a hitch and it just hit me all of a sudden. It was late to mid October 2006 after my monthly cycle. I had this dull ache in my pelvic area that just would not go away. It started out as just aggravating, but manageable on a Friday...I went through the entire weekend feeling this pain and by Sunday, I was like okay I'm going to see my GYN tomorrow morning because this pain is getting worse. By the time I woke Monday morning I could barely stand up straight and walk, the pain was so intense in my pelvic area I knew something was truly wrong. I made my way to the doctor and he was like...I just saw you, what's wrong and you can only imagine the look I gave him..."ugh, that's why I'm here seeing you, so you can tell me." He immediately put me into an exam room and examined me and immediately said I had FIBROIDS and scheduled me for a sonogram and gave me pain meds....know one could have told me that this would be the defining moment in my quest to living with IC.....I laid in that bed for almost two weeks in pain, I was taking percocet every 4 hours...until my family was like something is not right, so they took me to the emergency room where he did a CAT scan and found that I had a cyst on my ovary and said that it had obsessed so they put an IV in me and ran a series of antibiotics through me and then released me. I must admit I did start to feel better in a couple of days, but the pain soon returned. My GYN told me that I didn't have a cyst and it didn't absess, just pretty much refuted what the ER told me, he had finally gotten the results of my sonogam back and that's where he was getting his information after the next espisode I ended back in my GYN's office and he pretty much told me I needed a that immediately sent me running for a second opinion. Now mind you I had just had my Well Woman's exam in August of the this same year so I was truly baffled as to how I could go from being okay to needing a hysterectomy in a few just didn't make sense to me. I was referred to the second GYN by several friends so I made an appointment with him in December and couldn't get in to see him until the following month. Long story short he confirmed that I did have fibroids and he suggested surgery to remove them...I had my FIFTH surgery on February 27, 2007..........

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